Psychiatric Issues - A neuro-linguistic perspective
As a NLP Coach & therapist for the last 2 decades, I have dealt with quite a number of clients who had issues that would be classified as Psychiatric Issues. In the beginning stages I found myself woefully inadequate to deal with those kind of issues particularly since the NLP training that I had undertaken did not provide any major insight on what could be done.
Continuing to learn from several NLP pioneers and NLP experimenters while finding myself more equipped, I still found this issue of inadequacy cropping up in my practice and in discussion with other colleagues found this to be a common problem they face. Unless one takes an interest to study the DSM manual and/or learn from mainstream Psychiatry a coach or nlp therapist is not really sure what to do. A moral sense of responsibility also weighs on us to ensure that in the process of helping we are actually helping and not further exacerbating the problem.
To deal with these challenges, I made it my mandate to create a program that would enable us coaches, therapists and NLPers to know what best to do with clients with Psychiatric issues. I consulted with some brilliant NLPers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and importantly nurses who specialised in Psychiatry wards to evolve a model of triage and effectiveness to work with Psychiatric issues. You will find the huge list of contributors to our training manual when you attend the workshop.
Those of you familiar with triage in the medical emergency wards know that the principle is used to determine who gets attention first:
Who will survive even if they don't receive medical attention immediately?
Who will die even if they are given medical attention immediately?
Who will die if they are NOT GIVEN medical attention immediately?
The last category are the highest priority for the emergency ward as dictated by logic.
Similarly the triage metaphor model for psychiatric issue be for a NLPer/Therapist/Coach would be:-
What kind of psychiatric problems MUST NOT BE dealt with and the client must be redirected to a psychiatrist promptly?
What kind of psychiatric problems CAN BE DEALT at the level of the coach/therapist/NLPer which would be beneficial to the client?
What kind of psychiatric problem CAN BE DEALT with by the coach/therapist/NLPer and with a psychiatric professional as an USEFUL OPTION?
What kind of psychiatric problem CAN BE DEALT with by the coach/therapist/NLPer and with a psychiatric professional as a Mandatory OPTION?
Since the issues are dynamic we need a dynamic model. This model needs to deal with the actual structure of the client's problem rather than just the labels given to it by the Psychiatric world.
In this webinar you will learn this Neuro-Linguistic Perspective model with various examples. To be clear this is not a model that answers all the questions, but begins to give us some direction and order in a place where there is none to start with. You will learn this in correlation to several case studies and real life examples.
You will also learn specific techniques from the NLP Toolbox to deal with
Mild Neuroses
Suicidal Tendencies
Lack of Motivation
Who can attend: All Life coaches/Executive Coaches, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, NLPers and family members of persons afflicted with Psychiatric issues are welcome.
Pre-Requisite: NONE, you don't need to know NLP to attend this program.