Accelerated Reading

Accelerated Reading Program

Information Explosion

From 5000 BC to 1992, the amount of written information doubled by 1999 and tripled by 2001. The growth of information across books, websites, video, and audio formats is unprecedented, and traditional reading and learning methods struggle to keep up. In this context, we need efficient strategies to:

The Challenges of Learning in today's day & age

Speed-reading techniques often rely on rapid eye movements, but increasing speed can compromise comprehension. When you slow down to improve understanding, speed drops, creating a yo-yo effect that makes consistent progress challenging.

Comprehension Rate Reading a book cover to cover without purpose often results in superficial understanding. Just as visiting a place once doesn’t fully map the route in your mind, skimming a book provides only a vague grasp of its content.

Information Retention Research by Prof. Hermann Ebbinghaus showed that we forget 82% of newly learned information within three days. Imagine a business where 80% of your investments disappeared in 72 hours – this loss of knowledge makes learning inefficient.

The Solution: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a field focused on identifying and replicating effective skills. In the 1980s, NLP practitioners studied some of the world’s fastest learners to create a model that addresses these challenges. Here are the key strategies used by these advanced learners:

This program equips you with these skills for academic, professional, and personal reading needs.

Additional Benefits:

Who this will be useful to?

• You want to learn a new skill or get expertise in a new area. Improve your job or life skills.

• You know that the brain and the mind and can do more and want to be able ot tap into that.

• Complete your reading quickly and efficiently, leaving more time for other pursuits.

• Make informed decisions with every piece of printed material.

• You want to excel in your education whether full time, part time or through 'distance laearning'

• You are engaged in pure research, research for writing a book or for finding out about a client’s business, product or market

• Understand the background to most anything in a fraction of the time.

• Enhance your personal development through accelerated reading.

Program Details & Logistics

Note: Please bring your laptop or tablet fully charged for the in person workshop without fail. 

Since this is an in-depth course, support will be provided for 10 days after the workshop.

Program Structure

Day 0 Wednesday: A WhatsApp group opens to welcome participants and facilitate questions over the next two weeks.

Day 1 Thursday Evening (1-hour Zoom Call): Pre-workshop session covering logistics, preparation, and necessary materials. We will provide eBooks, a manual, and writing materials. We will assess everyone's reading speed and attempt to double your base reading speed if not more!

Day 2 Friday Evening (In-Person, 5-8 PM): First hypnotic induction class and initial reading practice.

Day 3 Saturday (In-Person, 10 AM-6 PM): Learning five reading strategies, with practice on the first book, brain gym activities, and the second hypnotic induction.

Day 4 Sunday (In-Person, 10 AM-6 PM): Retention strategies, including mind mapping and note-taking, with practice on diverse reading materials like articles, magazines, websites, and eBooks. Group Activation, Third hypnotic induction session. Assigning accountability partners. Strategies for getting ebooks for a fraction of the cost and for free. 

Sharing of additional Resources: Access to mp3s, classical music for enhanced learning, and eBooks will be provided through Dropbox.

Day 5 Monday Evening (1-hour Zoom Call): Addressing questions on weekend reading and beginning a five-day challenge to record differences between accelerated and regular reading.

Day 10 Saturday Evening (1-hour Zoom Call): Review of the five-day challenge, introduction to the Direct Learning strategy.

Day 11 Next Sunday (Self-Directed): Practice Direct Learning on a skill of choice. Information on sourcing books and eBook platforms will be provided.

Day 17 Final Saturday Evening (1-hour Zoom Call): Questions on Direct Learning and introduction to the Syntopic Reading method. Integrating the lessons across the neurological levels.

Day 18 Next Sunday (Self-Directed): Apply Syntopic Reading to a topic of choice.

Day 20 The WhatsApp group will close on the following Monday after all final questions are addressed. 

By following the program, participants can expect to complete 10-18 books as part of their learning journey while picking up the learning skills.